Our vision

Our company vision is characterised by an important motto: ‘Fun is of the essence’. This is what we radiate through our enthusiasm, which can be found throughout all tiers of our organisation. Our entrepreneurship focuses on the niche market, all over the world. Other people’s problems in that market constitute challenges for us. Because of our remarkable flexibility, we can usually provide sound and effective solutions. We can mobilise our extensive network for that. Besides that, our strength lies in rapidly taking action, which is made possible by the smallest number of organisational layers.


Handelsonderneming J.W. van Stee guarantees its performance by applying the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment management system. This system ensures that all operations are controlled and our performance continuously improves. Not surprisingly, we are proud of our certifications according to the following standards:

  • NEN-ISO 9001: 2015
  • NEN-ISO 14001: 2015
  • VCA** 2017/6.0
  • Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006
  • ISM

We provide our services worldwide!

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